Friday, March 23, 2012

A Spring Communal Table

Dear Friends,

We want to hear from you!  In order to bring you the best communal dining experience possible we want to know what tickles your fancy, stimulates your palate, and piques your interest.  Our goal is to grow the table so many intrepid foodies can gather and meet one another over great meals and good times.   

A Spring Communal Table

If you would, email us at and let us know if you'd be interested in attending a dinner on the 21st or the 28th of April. If a ticket price over $100.00 is a deal breaker?  And should we offer a complete vegetarian menu in addition to our regular menu?  Does providing an open bar make the table that much more lively?  And since we asked, please feel free to email us any other suggestions you might have that would make your communal dining experience the be all, end all. 
Once we've collected your feedback, the next Secret Table will be underway and the invitation will follow shortly.  
A million thanks!
The Secret Table Team




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